
Sample projects created with TxtFiddle.

Convert date/time to different format

Uses the "Luxon" library to parse a custom date/time string and convert it to ISO 8601 format.

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Convert hex color value to RGB

Converts a color value in hexadecimal format (e.g. #3498db) to its RGB representation (e.g. rgb(52, 152, 219)).

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Convert RGB color value to hex

Converts a color value in RGB notation (e.g. rgb(52, 152, 219)) to hexadecimal notation (e.g. #3498db).

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Generate SQL INSERT INTO statement from CSV

Shows how to read values from a CSV file and convert them into an SQL INSERT INTO statement.

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Convert tabs to spaces

Replaces the tab characters in a text document with a configurable number of spaces.

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Add line numbers to text

Prepends a line number to each line of a text.

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Extract URLs from text

Uses a regular expression to find URLs/links in a text document.

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Format JSON document

Formats JSON code by adding newline characters and indenting blocks.

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Perform DNS lookup

Queries a public DNS server to fetch records (A, AAAA, NS, CNAME, MX, etc.) for a given domain name.

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Convert domain names to Punycode

Converts a list of internationalized domain names (IDNs) to their Punycode equivalents.

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Sort lines naturally

Sorts the lines of a text by natural ordering the way a human would do it. This means that a string "2" is ordered before "10," whereas a normal string comparison would yield the opposite.

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Generate SHA256 hash

Computes the SHA256 hash for an input text and returns it as a sequence of 64 hexadecimal digits.

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Reverse line order

Flips the order of the lines in a text document.

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Compress HTML

Minifies HTML code by removing unnecessary whitespace characters and comments.

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Compress JavaScript

Minifies JavaScript code by removing unnecessary whitespace and replacing variable names.

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Format JavaScript code

Parses JavaScript code and re-prints it for better readability.

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Generate URL slug

Converts a title into a dash-separated slug that can be used as part of a URL.

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Extract domains from URLs

Parses domain names/hostnames from a list of URLs.

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Remove subdomain from domain

Demonstrates how to extract the second and top level domain (e.g. "example.co.uk") from a full domain (e.g. "www.example.co.uk") using data from the "Public Suffix List".

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Randomly select items from a list

Picks a configurable number of random items from a list.

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