
Sample projects created with TxtFiddle.

Remove empty lines

Removes blank lines and lines containing only whitespace from an input text.

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Remove duplicate lines

Filters out duplicate lines from an input text while preserving the order of the original lines.

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Sort lines alphabetically

Sorts the lines of an input text lexicographically in ascending or descending order.

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Shuffle lines

Rearranges the lines of a text in random order.

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Count words

Determines the total number of words in a text.

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Replaces characters reserved in HTML (such as "&") with characters references (such as "&")

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Extract data from CSV

Example of how to use the "Papa Parse" library to parse a CSV document in JavaScript and return the content of a particular column.

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Extract data from XML

Demonstrates how to use the "Fast XML Parser" library to read an XML document and output selected nodes.

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Convert currency

Downloads exchange rates from exchangerate-api.com and converts an input value to a target currency.

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Convert JSON to XML

A quick and easy JavaScript implementation of a JSON to XML converter.

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Shows how to use JavaScript's bota() method to Base64-encode an input text.

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Uses JavaScript's aotb() method to Base64-decode an input text.

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Generate MD5 hash

Computes the MD5 hash for an input text and returns it as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits.

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Geolocate IP address

Queries a free geolocation API to determine the location of an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

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Format SQL statement

Beautifies SQL code by adding idents and line breaks.

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Convert Markdown to HTML

Converts text in Markdown format to HTML code using the "Marked" JavaScript library.

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Extract text from HTML code

Strips all HTML tags and formatting from the input text.

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Generate random password

Generates a secure random string from an input alphabet.

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Generate ASCII table from CSV/TSV

Parses comma- or tab-delimited data and turns it into an ASCII-art table.

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Word-wrap text

Demonstrates how to use a regular expression to word-wrap the input lines at a certain width.

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